Some things are worth more than money

Andrea F Hill
2 min readOct 2, 2017

Chatting with my Mom today, she told me she was making cat mats.

What’re cat mats, you ask?

A year ago, my Mom was making hook rugs to sell at the craft show at her Arizona mobile-home community. [She’s a true Canadian snow-bird!]

We took one for our pussycat Josie, and she loved it!

Josie the Pussycat should also be a model. And I’m not just saying that b/c I’m her Mom.

Mom has a friend who runs a shelter for feral cats, and my Mom has decided that instead of trying to make a couple bucks, she’s going to donate these mats to these little feral cats as they’re hoping to get adopted.

Sometimes, things are worth more than money.

She doesn’t need to be trying to get other retirees to part with $10 for a mat. Instead, she’s spending her time making the world better for other beings.

I’m so appreciative to have an awesome Mom like this. Helps me reflect on how I spend my time, and how I’m impacting those around me.

Josie sometimes shares her cat mat with her brother. Begrudgingly.

Love you Mom. And so do Josie* and Mortimer.

*the observant among you may have noticed that Josie has a clipped ear. She was actually a street kitten who was captured as part of a ‘capture-spay-release’ program, and the shelter decided to work with her to make her adoptable. We’re SO grateful they did — and I think she is too 🐱



Andrea F Hill

Director with the BC Public Service Digital Investment Office, former web dev & product person. 🔎 Lifelong learner. Unapologetic introvert